
Wipe Outz™ Premium Dry Tattoo towels - Made for Demanding Tattoo Artists

Eikon Team
Published Sep 23, 2021
Updated Sep 23, 2021
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Can a better paper towel really make a difference during every sit?

It seems odd that a paper towel could make your job easier, but Mike Devries and his team put a lot of thought into how a better paper towel could help prevent many of the issues that artists have to deal with daily. Wipe Outz Premium towels offer these benefits:

New Size! Wipeout Premium is now available in packs of 20 at the same price as the old 10 packs. Double up, for no extra cost.

Are Premium paper towels worth making the switch?

As you well know, it’s all relative, but artists tell us that Wipe Outz Premium towels add value to their setup and tattooing experience. They are sterilized, conveniently pre-folded, and ready to use. Wipe Outz leave no residue or lint behind, are ultra-absorbent, soft and durable, non-toxic, biodegradable, latex and alcohol-free. What more could you ask for?

On top of all these features, you can get up to 45% OFF Wipe Outz Premium dry towels when you buy a case. Check out the store for details

Could switching paper towels make your life easier? Mike Devries knows it does! Wipe Outz Premium dry towels don’t leave lint behind and won’t clog your needles. Conveniently pre-folded, these towels last much longer and come in two handy sizes. Swap out your old paper towels for Wipe Outz, and see for yourself. Purchase a case and save up to 45% OFF.

Can a better paper towel really make a difference during every sit?

It seems odd that a paper towel could make your job easier, but Mike Devries and his team put a lot of thought into how a better paper towel could help prevent many of the issues that artists have to deal with daily. Wipe Outz Premium towels offer these benefits:

New Size! Wipeout Premium is now available in packs of 20 at the same price as the old 10 packs. Double up, for no extra cost.

Are Premium paper towels worth making the switch?

As you well know, it’s all relative, but artists tell us that Wipe Outz Premium towels add value to their setup and tattooing experience. They are sterilized, conveniently pre-folded, and ready to use. Wipe Outz leave no residue or lint behind, are ultra-absorbent, soft and durable, non-toxic, biodegradable, latex and alcohol-free. What more could you ask for?

On top of all these features, you can get up to 45% OFF Wipe Outz Premium dry towels when you buy a case. Check out the store for details


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